captain america trailer

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Justice League Fancast

Superman/Clark Kent-Josh Harnett
He was great in Pearl Harbor, and he was originally up for the role in Superman: Flyby, so why not? He also has the look down pack.
Batman/Bruce Wayne-Joe Manganellio
Thanks to DDD for the pick, he's was pretty good in Spider-Man and on True Blood, and he's much better of a Batman than Superman. He also has that ruff edge that Batman needs.
Wonder Woman/Dianna-Olvia Wilde
I saw her in Tron and I thought about her for my fancast. I saw how Wonder Women acted in a cartoon. I thought of some other people but after Tron it made me sure to pick her.

Green Lantern/Hal Jordan-Jake Gyllenhaal
I`ve seen Jake act but the only person I can compare him to is Hal Jordan. He not only has the looks, but he acted great in Source Code and Zodiac, and it would be great to see him in the suit (The original, not CGI).

The Flash/Wally West-Travis Van Winkle
He's usually casted as the other Flash (Thompson) but I think he would be a better Wally West. According to the movies I`ve seen I think he can fit the roll.

 Martian Manhunter/J'onn J'onzz-Billy Crudup
His character in Watchmen (Dr.Manhattan) had many similarieties to Martian Manhunter. He had that sort of emotionless/alien acting style to him. I think he'd be great in the role, but Lawrence Fishburne would be great too.

Aquaman/Arthur Kurry-Karl Urban
I've seen him casted as Thor and Green Arrow, but I think he screamed Aquaman in Lord of the Rings. Just comparing his acting and movies makes me think how good he would be for the role, even the looks.

Green Arrow/Oliver Queen-Ewan McGregor
He's great in Star Wars he'd be great here. Ewan has all the ways of being good at this. I can't complain about other picks but I think he is alot better.

Director: Robert Zemeckis:
One of the best directors yet and just all the movies I`ve seen by him were amazing I think he could handle it.

These are my picks, what do you think?

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Dark Knight Rises officially filming in Pittsburgh

Christopher Nolan`s Dark Knight Rises will be filmed in Pittsburgh. The thought of it sounds pretty good and the movie mite not take place in Gothham city only. The movie is a sequel to the hit movie The Dark Knight. The movie is gonna be great from what i`ve heard. I`m surprised it`s not going to be filmed in New York. Christopher Nolen did a great job with the first and i`m sure he`s going to improve with this one. Pittsburgh is probably a good place for a movie like this to film but New York would probably be better.

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Arnold Schwarzenegger is back with the Governator

               After being the governor of California Arnold Schwarzenegger is back to make a real cartoon named the Governator. It is going to be made with Stan Lee who made a deal to bring him back. The show is a kids cartoon coming out in 2012. The character will also be in a comic book written by Stan Lee also. The character has the voice and looks similar to the real Arnold. I never would of guessed Stan Lee who is actually a Marvel comic book writer would team up with the governor Calafornia. I am actually looking forward to it. The comic is kind of based on the real Arnold.

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Top 15 movie theme songs

  1. Harry potter
  2. Inception
  3. Pirates of the Carribien
  4. E.T
  5. Star Wars
  6. Superman
  7. Back to the future
  8. Terminator
  9. Jurassic park
  10. Spiderman
  11. Indianna Jones
  12. Jaws
  13. Home alone
  14. Mission impossible
  15. 007

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